They call us thick—fat---over-weight---obese and any name they can use to DEFAME us; Haterism is the venom that is frequently ejected from the opening of their lips---because they just don’t understand the beauty that FRAMES us. Extensions of beauty like Picasso’s Mona Lisa; and like new age molds of Michelangelo’s sculptures; we are Finely sculpted full-figure ‘Queens’ a vision to behold in sparkling gleam---with swaying curvy hips; pouty-broad lips; bodacious versatile physiques---decked with exceptional amenities from head-to-toe; faces radiant as a halo’s glow. Undeniably, we have become the muse for an artist whose mission is to capture the ‘epitome’ of true beauty from the outside--and then from within;
L anguages of third-world nations speak of us with high regards; in our communities we are viewed as local celebrities; but we are more than local celebrities; we hale as ‘universal stars’;
L ike the rays from the sun; our spirits touch and warm the heart; we excite humanity---with our quick wit----and womanly charm; Expanding past the ridicule of those who lack compassion for the human race; THE FULLER WOMAN
Raises the bar for being humane---in volunteerism and charitable events; our commitment ranks at the top of the generous list.
We are “Fashionistas”--- when we walk we make the peacock proud, because we mimic her elegance; her sophisticated strut, and dazzling style---clothed in integrity and grace; our mere presence puts a smile on more than the average man’s face;
Our path to solidarity has been rough and sometimes the going has been tough; but we have come to know that to successfully navigate through life----perseverance is a must.
Many are astound with our new claim to FAME and with the ambiance that surround our NAME; the Thick girl is the new ‘it’ girl—now the world admits--they can no longer treat us like we don’t belong on the V.I.P.’s list.
Affirming our status with our voices we cry aloud ---“We are intellectually astute, sensually desirable, liberally free women that have our own brand.” “We stand proud!”
No longer just as ‘plus size’ or ‘full-figured’ women---we’ve added acronyms behind our name that validate the credentials that have become an extension of “US”--
M.D. – (Model Divas- An excellent FULLER woman to pattern after because she performs beyond her highest potential) Ph. D – (Prestigious Hot Darling – An influential FULLER WOMAN not intimidated by the skinny girls debate that thin is the only thing that is in. She embraces her curves and she is noticed by her brains, beauty and bodacious body); BBW (Big Beautiful Women – A FULLER WOMAN that understands size does not define her or eliminate her from being beautiful…she understands that her FRAME is one of the attributes that makes her beautiful.) M.S.W. – (Motivating Sophisticated Woman - A laid back, but high spirited, in charge FULLER WOMAN that has her life in positive perspective and strives to help her fellow sisters to do the same.); Esq. – (Educated Scholarly Queens – A FULLER WOMAN that is skillfully in charge of her destiny and represents all that encompasses THE FULLER WOMAN inside and out. Look out world!
"This is what THE FULLER WOMAN is all about.” Copyright @ 2010 Michelle E. Alford a.k.a. “Poetic Energy”